Super Friendz
Super Friendz
Gig Promoters.
Find out what gigs Super Friendz are hosting below. Click the event title for the full line up or to buy gig tickets.
Date | Event Title | Venue | |
2025-01-29Wednesday 29th January | Lots Of Hands | Wharf Chambers, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-02-21Friday 21st February | Concious Pilot | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-03-08Saturday 8th March | Bdrmm | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-03-14Friday 14th March | We've Been Here Before | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-04-04Friday 4th April | House Gospel Choir | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-04-11Friday 11th April | Kamasi Washington | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-04-26Saturday 26th April | Greentea Peng | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |
2025-05-09Friday 9th May | Soccer Mommy | Project House, Leeds | Tickets |