Driven Serious in Leeds 
Driven Serious
The Pack Horse, Leeds
Friday 18th April 2025
Original Folk Rock
Driven Serious latest album: "Look On These Works is an incredibly engaging listen, whether it’s the monumental sounding strings that carry us through this adventure, or the war-like drums at the start of the title track, it’s an impressive experience." - Narc
Driven Serious performance: " I suppose you could file Driven Serious under the banner of folk-rock; but they are so much more than that. They have a vibrancy that you can virtually see thrumming off them when they play, passionate and with the hand-brake well and truly off, and with a vibe that has had people likening them to The Levellers to The Pogues to The Smiths to The Wonderstuff" – The Crack
Listen to Look on These Works on all streaming platforms
Watch official videos on Driven Serious Youtube Channel.
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